
Nice announces the sustainable transition plan

28 July 2021


A paradigm shift, both internal and external, so to make sustainability the keystone of the business strategy of Nice, in line with its values such as attention to the environment, to the society in which it operates and its way of doing business and driven by innovation. This is the starting point of the sustainability path that Nice has announced it will undertake on a global level, with the collaboration of eAmbiente, a consulting company specialising in technical and management solutions that are sustainable from an environmental, social and financial point of view.

Nice believes that thanks to innovation, which has always been the driving force of the company, practicing sustainable actions means managing development in a different and more efficient way. With its actions and choices, Nice wants to set an example in this virtuous path becoming an influencer for all the stakeholders of its supply chain. The first step, in 2021, will be to measure the carbon footprint of the organization, i.e. the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the production activity, expressed in tonnes of CO2 equivalent. On the basis of this, Nice's processes and products will be evaluated in order to reduce their impact on health, water, atmosphere and soil. With the ultimate goal of cancelling, or significantly reducing, CO2 emissions, aligning with the climate standards set by the United Nations through the Paris Agreement. At the same time, the Sustainability Report will be produced, a comprehensive analysis and reporting of the impact of Nice's activities on the territory and the environment, at a global level, which will act as a guideline to define the company's sustainable strategy.

“For Nice, sustainability and business strategy are integrated elements, driven by a sense of responsibility to support people, safeguard the environment and enhance local communities” says Marco Bianchet, Quality & Sustainability Global Director of Nice, who led the project. “We have already been implementing actions in this direction for some time, but from now on we want to address corporate sustainability in a more organic and structured way. Our goal is to leverage Nice's innovative technologies to change the way we do business, develop and manufacture connected products and solutions, to become the sustainable leader in Home Automation, Smart Home and Home Security”.

To allow for the implementation of the ambitious project it will be necessary to identify ambassadors within the company and set up as soon as possible a sustainability committee that has strategic direction functions as well as an international and interdisciplinary team with more operational responsibilities. These teams will define in detail the vision, mission and objectives to improve the company's performance and, based on that, will take the most effective actions from an environmental, financial and social point of view, by setting time frames and evaluation parameters. “This sustainable transition programme will have to permeate the attitude and approach of our company and of our entire supply chain: it is a fundamental cultural transformation that will affect the group at an international level, every plant will be involved. It is an ambitious but beautiful challenge that we hope will inspire others to do the same” says Roberto Griffa, CEO of Nice and main promoter of the project.

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